Sunday, October 7, 2012

Morning Serenade

There are two sides to every story.

C: There are some days I am moved to share a little song. Something that expresses the romance she evokes in me. I admit, I may not be a vocalist but, I just want to serenade her. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand this aspect of romance the way I do. She's ungrateful.

M: It was another night of little sleep. After all the house work of the evening (cooking, cleaning, etc.), we get to bed late and the anxiety of a high stress job wakes me up a dozen times throughout the night. My heart sinks each time I wrongfully wake up. I know eventually the alarm clock is going to ring and that a Redbull will not get me through the 11 hour work day that awaits. But as it must, 6am rolls around all too soon and I drag my zombie like body out of bed. I had only been up maybe 5 seconds before a crazed madman lunges at me from around the corner of the kitchen. It's still dark outside, and thus also inside the apartment. The only thing I can really make out through the darkness is the crazy in his eyes. In my exhaustion induced state of delirium, I try my best to quickly assess the situation: Is this a nightmare? Is he here to rob us? Why is he screaming Katy Perry's "Firework" at me? Is that... my boyfriend? Yes. Yes it was - My cruel, insensitive, Katy Perry loving boyfriend relishing in the act of frightening his exhausted, overworked, defenseless girlfriend at 6 in the morning. Which is why I had to punch him. 

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