Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's on TV?

C: Prior to moving in together, I didn't really watch too much television aside from NBA and NFL games. Of course we could look a few years back when I would wake up early on Saturday mornings to catch some cartoons but that was in the past. I try to keep away from the nonsense that fills the airwaves now-a-days. Recently, I've managed to occasionally catch an episode or two of Sons of Anarchy and The Walking Dead. Mainly because of the action. But I can't commit to these shows. It's all become too demanding and there's a big to-do list everyday (filled with errands and chores) that deserves much more of my attention. When I have some down time, I will join her in front of the TV for a few minutes but really just to keep her company. I know she appreciates it and we all know the saying, "A happy Squirrel means one less quarrel!"

M:  He truly should be in Guinness World Records for the amount of time he can sit in front of the TV. Name a show and I bet you he's seen every episode, the making of, and every post film documentary and interview.  The fervency with which he HAD to watch every show to hit the airwaves made me think that he had picked up a side job reporting for TV Guide. When he found out about Sons of Anarchy and The Walking Dead, we spent MONTHS catching up on all the seasons we missed. I'm talking hours upon hours of watching episode after episode. I felt like one of the zombies from how glazed over my eyes had become. I can totally understand watching two episodes back to back... but ten or more?! At times I tried to intervene... how much can a girl take?! But, when you love someone you do crazy things - like watch 8 hours straight of blood and guts. Eventually, I myself became a fan of both Sons of Anarchy and The Walking Dead. Or was I brain washed? Either way it doesn't matter because as soon as I became a fan, all he wanted to watch was The Real Housewives of New Jersey. And don't you dare try to change the channel when Teresa is explaining what she said in the tabloids!

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